Wellness and Anti-aging Applications
Wellness and Anti-aging Applications
Metaflammation: Inflammation that becomes chronic and disrupts the metabolic order
Long-lasting chronic inflammation in the body is an important underlying factor in metabolic diseases and is a type of chronic, low-grade, unresolved inflammation seen especially in obesity and age-related pathologies. This metabolically orchestrated state is closely related to basic vital functions such as the regulation, diversity and quantity of energy and nutrients, and the management of macromolecular synthesis and degradation processes. These systems, which are vital for a healthy organism, play critical roles especially in the physiology and pathology of chronic metabolic diseases.1.
Metaflammation is a new term that describes the disorders caused by long-term chronic inflammation in critical metabolic organs. This situation causes problems such as chronic inflammation, dyslipidemia, and insulin resistance, laying the groundwork for obesity and age-related pathologies such as diabetes, fatty liver, cardiovascular and respiratory problems, and cancer.2.
Management and understanding of metaflammation is an important goal of modern medicine because it is considered a key factor in a wide range of metabolic diseases. Diet and lifestyle changes, anti-inflammatory treatments, and medications for metabolic regulation are among the potential strategies for managing this process.3.
Metaflammation causes your body to develop insulin resistance and be unable to use glucose effectively. This causes blood sugar to rise and insulin levels to increase, acting as an obstacle to weight loss. Additionally, increased metaflammation leads to fat cells growing larger and larger, which can make weight loss efforts more difficult. In short, metaflammation is a problem that can both cause weight gain and hinder weight loss.
If we look at the relationship between obesity and metaflammation, inflammation in the fat tissue (or inflammation, as it is also called) makes the existing fat tissue dysfunctional. Although fat tissue is a phenomenon that is seen as undesirable or bad, the ideal amount of fat tissue plays very important roles in many activities in our body. Loss of fat tissue function not only contributes to insulin resistance, but also affects the secretion of adipokines, which play a role in metabolic regulation. Adipokines are cytokines secreted by adipose tissue. Adipokines are cytokines that have both good and bad effects. Secretion in certain amounts is a condition that protects the heart, protects against insulin resistance and metabolic problems, and plays a role in the immune system. On the other hand, excessive amounts of secretions, or situations where dysfunctional fat tissue cannot secrete effectively, bring about metabolic imbalances and resistance to weight loss. At this point, even semaglutide or other GLP1 analogs fall short, and we find a significant barrier to weight loss in individuals.
Lifestyle changes known to help reduce metaflammation include a healthy and anti-inflammatory diet, exercise and sports, as well as food supplements that help reduce chronic inflammation in the body.
Managing chronic inflammation is vital to overall health and can help prevent many diseases associated with aging, such as heart disease, diabetes and cancer. Certain supplements can help manage chronic inflammation due to their anti-inflammatory properties and may be beneficial when used in conjunction with a healthy lifestyle. Here are supplements with evidence supporting anti-inflammatory effects:
1. Omega-3 Fatty Acids: Balık yağı, krill yağı ve yosun yağı gibi kaynaklarda bulunan omega-3 yağ asitleri (EPA ve DHA), bilinen anti-inflamatuar özelliklere sahiptir. İltihapla ilişkili maddelerin (örneğin inflamatuar eikozanoidler ve sitokinler) üretimini azaltabilir ve kronik iltihaplanmanın azalmasına katkı sağlayabilirler. Omega 3 yağ asitleri özellikle ileri yaşlarda kardiyovasküler risklerin azaltılmasında da ciddi boyutta rol oynarlar. Omega-3 yağ asitlerinin istenilen düzeyde olan kişilerin, omega-3 yağ asitleri düşük olan kişilere oranla kardiyovasküler sebeplerden ve kanser’den dolayı ölüm riskinin %13 daha düşük olduğu kapsamlı bilimsel çalışmalar ile ortaya konmuştur4.
2. Curcumin (Turmeric): Curcumin, the active component of turmeric, has powerful anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. However, curcumin is poorly absorbed from the intestine, so it is recommended to take it together with piperine, which is often found in black pepper, to increase absorption. Some curcumin preparations have a stronger absorption because they contain piperine. If curcumin supplements are to be used, preparations prepared with piperine should be preferred. There are scientific studies showing that it contributes to weight loss, especially in chronic conditions due to metaflammation.5.
3. Astralagus (Chinese Green Tea) Extract: Green tea contains polyphenols such as epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) and has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects. On the other hand, Chinese tea, specifically known as Astralagus, causes increased telomerase activity, as well as anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects. This feature, revealed by scientific studies, contributes to extending human life by causing telomere length in chromosomes to lengthen or decrease the rate of shortening.6.
4. Resveratrol and PterosylbeneFound in grapes, berries, and peanuts, resveratrol has been studied for its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties and may protect against chronic diseases. Pterosylbene is a stilbenoid chemically related to resveratrol. According to studies, it can be said that its absorption and activity in the body is higher than resveratrol. The antioxidant activity of pterosylbene has been extensively studied and has been shown to play a role in anti-carcinogenesis, modulation of neurological disorders, healing of vascular diseases and treatment of diabetes.7.
5. Vitamin D: Adequate levels of vitamin D are important for immune function and may help reduce the risk of chronic inflammatory diseases. It is known that the risk of chronic inflammation is much higher in people with vitamin D deficiency. For this reason, vitamin D supplementation in people with low vitamin D levels may help reduce chronic inflammation.
6. Alpha-Lipoic Acid: This antioxidant plays a role in cellular energy metabolism and has been observed to have anti-inflammatory effects, particularly in reducing inflammation associated with insulin resistance, heart disease, and other conditions.8.
It is important to approach the use of supplements with caution, as some supplements may interact with some medications and may not be suitable for everyone. Taking all supplements at the same time may also have undesirable consequences, because although antioxidants and supplements with anti-inflammatory properties are a method to restore our metabolic health, the presence of some oxidants in our body is also important for the active and proper functioning of the immune system. While repairing oxidative damage, it is very important not to cause reductive damage. Therefore, arranging a special treatment for you in line with your health complaint is the best method for your health. Doctors who specialize in anti-aging should always be consulted before starting a new supplement, especially to manage chronic conditions.
Lifestyle changes such as a healthy diet, regular exercise, adequate sleep and stress management are always elements that should be included in your life along with such supplements. Supplements alone are not enough to make you a healthy individual and are not a substitute for living a healthy life. Elements such as exercise and nutrition are always indispensable parts of a healthy life.
1. The Western lifestyle has lasting effects on metaflammation | Nature Reviews Immunology
2. Metaflammation – The Hotamışlıgil Lab at the Sabri Ülker Center (https://gsh.sph.harvard.edu/metaflammation/)
3. Inflammation, metaflammation and immunometabolic disorders – PubMed (https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/28179656/).
4. Blood n-3 fatty acid levels and total and cause-specific mortality from 17 prospective studies - PubMed
5. The effect of curcumin supplementation on weight loss and anthropometric indices: an umbrella review and updated meta-analyses of randomized controlled trials – PubMed
6. The Use of Natural Agents to Counteract Telomere Shortening: Effects of a Multi-Component Extract of Astragalus mongholicus Bunge and Danazol – PubMed
7. New Insights into Dietary Pterostilbene: Sources, Metabolism, and Health Promotion Effects – PubMed
8. Insights on the Use of α-Lipoic Acid for Therapeutic Purposes – PubMed