Dr. Ahmet Özyiğit 1981 yılında Kıbrıs'ın Mağusa ilçesinde dünyaya geldi. Özgen ve Dr. Savaş özyiğit'in üç çocuğunun en küçüğüdür.
1998 yılında lise eğitimini Türk Maarif Koleji'nde tamamladıktan sonra Amerika'nın Kansas eyaletinde ekonomi alanında lisans ve yüksek lisans eğitimini tamamladı. Sonrasında yine aynı bilim dalında doktora eğitimini tamamlayan Özyiğit, bu alanda birçok makale yayınlamıştır.
Sonraları tıp bilimine ilgi duymaya başlayan Özyiğit, University of Nicosia Tıp Fakültesi'nde tıp eğitimi aldı. Bu eğitimin yanı sıra Leeds Üniversitesi'nde Klinik Embriyoloji üzerine yüksek lisans sonrasında University of South Wales'den de Endokrinoloji alanında lisansüstü eğitim aldı.
Eklektik bir akademik geçmişe sahip olan Dr. Özyiğit, özellikle kilo verme, metabolizma ve sağlıklı yaşlanma üzerine klinik çalışmalarını sürdürmektedir. American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine'in aktif üyesi olan Dr. Özyiğit, hastalarına anti-aging, kilo verme ve beyin fonksiyonu iyileştirici tedaviler uygulamaktadır.

Wellness ve Anti-aging Uygulamaları

Wellness ve Anti-aging Uygulamaları
Email: dr.ahmet@elitenicosia.com or ozyigit.a@live.unic.ac.cy
Phone: +90 548 8878787 or +357 96 94 1003
1. Name and Last Name: Ahmet Ozyigit
2. Date of birth: 27 October 1981
3. Current Job Title: General Practitioner, Clinical Associate (Academic)
4. Educational Background:
Degree Awarded | Academic
Program |
University / Academic Institution | Date of Award |
BA | Economics | University of Kansas | May 2002 |
MA | Economics | University of Kansas | Dec 2003 |
MSc | Clinical Embryology | Leeds University | Nov 2015 |
PhD | Economics | Azerbaijan State Economics University | Feb 2017 |
MD | Doctor of Medicine | University of Nicosia | May 2020 |
PGDip | Endocrinology | University of South Wales | Sept 2021 |
FAAMM | Fellowship in Anti-Aging and Metabolic Medicine | American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine | Dec. 2025
(Expected) |
5. Professional Background
Role | Institution | Years Active |
General Practitioner | Elite Research and Surgical Hospital | 2020 – Current |
Clinical Associate | University of Nicosia Medical School | 2020 – Current |
Assistant Professor of Economics (Part time) | University of Mediterranean Karpasia | 2017-2020 |
International Patient Coordinator | North Cyprus IVF Center | 2009-2014 |
Lecturer of Economics | Near East University | 2004-2009 |
6. Projects
Sectoral Interdependence, Convergence and Common development between Greek Cypriot and Turkish Cypriot economies, funded by the UNDP, October 2009.
< https://pdf.usaid.gov/pdf_docs/pnaec416.pdf >
7. Publications
7.1. Books and Book Chapters
Ozyigit, A. and Ozyigit, S., 2018. The IVF Guide. 1st ed. Irvine: Universal Publishers.
Ozyigit, A. 2022. (A Bio-psycho-social approach to Health and State of Wellness) Sağlıkta Biyo-Psiko-Sosyal Yaklaşım ve Tam İyilik Hali. In: C. Gur, ed., Bebeklikten ergenliğe iyi oluş: Pozitif düşünme eğitimi, 1st ed. Ankara: Ani Yayincilik.
7.2. SCI, SSCI, SCI Expanded, AHCI, Scopus Indexed Journals (Medicine)
Ozyigit, A., Michaelides, C. and Natsiopoulos, K., 2018. Spontaneous Intracranial Hypotension Presenting With Frontotemporal Dementia: A Case Report. Frontiers in Neurology, 9.
Ozyigit, A., 2020. Understanding Covid-19 transmission: The effect of temperature and health behavior on transmission rates. Infection, Disease & Health, 25(4), pp.233-238.
Ozyigit, A.,2021. Type 2 diabetes as a risk factor for dementia in colder climates: Panel data evidence for United States. International Public Health Journal 13(3), pp. 325-331.
Ozyigit, A., 2021. The Impact of Years of Schooling on Dementia: Panel Data Evidence from Europe. Universal Journal of Public Health, 9(1), pp.18-25.
Ozyigit, A., 2023. Spontaneous intracranial hypotension complicated by unilateral subdural hematoma, coma, and the rare Kernohan’s notch phenomenon. Clinical Case Reports, 11(1), p. e6899.
8. Awards of Merit
A. J. Boynton Scholarship– University of Kansas, Economics Department (1999)
A. J. Boynton Scholarship– University of Kansas, Economics Department (2000)
Cyprus-America Scholarship Program, Graduate Scholarship awarded by the Fulbright Commission (2001)
9. Memberships
American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine
American Society of Reproductive Medicine
European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology
10. Skills
Language Skills
Turkish – Fluent/Native
English – Fluent
French – Pre-Intermediate
Greek – Beginner
Computer/Software Skills
Professional knowledge of MS Word, Excel, PP.
Working knowledge of E-Views
Working knowledge of SPSS